Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What's the Plan

I regularly use a Christian magazine titled Tabletalk as a guide for my daily Bible study. Today, three sentences from commentaries on 2 Timothy 1:10-14 profoundly affected my thinking.

• “The longer we have been Christians, the easier it is to take the glory of the gospel for granted.” Maybe this is why over time we tend to become less fervent in our Bible study and less excited about witnessing. We become complacent. But our relationship with God needs nurturing just as our relationships with our friends and family members need attention. When we neglect someone, our relationship with that person becomes less intimate, more distant. Why should we think our relationship with God can flourish if we take him for granted and do not actively listen to and communicate with him daily?

• “Were we to think on the mercy of our Lord more often, we would be far less likely to find ourselves ashamed of the gospel and far more willing and able to endure rejection for His sake.” What has God done for you and me? Reflecting on this question for only a few minutes brings me to my knees in confession of my sins and in thanksgiving for the mercy God has extended to me and those I love. So why don’t I boldly proclaim my love for Jesus, my Lord and Savior?

• “Christian faith is not revealed in intellectual assent to biblical doctrine alone but also in a true love for what God has spoken.” This statement caused me to reflect on my “quiet time” activities. I daily read the Bible. My time in Bible reading often involves seeking interpretation from reputable commentators and making marginal notes in my Bible on thoughts God reveals to me. I have memorized individual verses and Scripture passages in the past. But do I have a deep unrelenting love for God’s Word?

I used to have a well-defined Bible study, prayer, and Scripture memory program. However, my life has changed dramatically in the past month. I no longer can get up early in the morning and spend my first hour or two with God. I no longer can do my Bible memory work as I walk on the treadmill. I no longer have as much discretionary time to leisurely spend with God. I have been praying that God will draw me closer to him during this time of major lifestyle change. I am forming new habits and learning to adjust my activities based on the needs and schedule of someone else (my invalid mother-in-law). My time in God’s Word has to be set aside and carefully guarded. Over the past two weeks, I have figured out when and how I can spend my much needed time with God each day. What has been more difficult is finding the time for Bible memory. God has created a yearning in me for memorizing Bible passages. Because he has created the desire, I am sure he will show me the way as I need his word firmly planted in my head so I can refer to it throughout the day.

So do you have a time to read and study God’s Word built into your daily activities? Do you have a time set aside for more than a quick “thank you for this food” prayer at mealtime? Do you yearn to have God’s Word memorized so he can guide you during each moment of each day?

“ Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38 NIV

Lord, thank you for your word. Draw me close to you. Show me a plan to memorize Scripture. Through the power of the Holy Spirit give me the self-discipline to implement your plan.

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