I am looking forward to tomorrow. It is good to have a day set aside to worship God.
“Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.” Psalm 96:9 NIV
God desires for us to be knowledgeable about him. He wants us to read the Bible. He wants His Word to be taught in our churches both through preaching and small group studies.
“Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.” 1 Timothy 4:13 NIV
I often mention how important Bible verse memory work has become to me. I only regret that I have grasped this concept so late in my life. There are so many great passages to memorize. Too often we are encouraged to memorize favorite verses, but I am finding it much easier to learn whole passages. It puts the verse in context which helps me memorize. It also helps me understand the meaning of the verse at a deeper level.
One of my favorite books in the Bible is Philippians. I have challenged myself to memorize it. Currently I have memorized the first nine verses. Last winter I memorized Chapter 4 and almost all of Chapter 3. However, I discovered tonight that I have forgotten parts of those chapters. This means that I am going to start a program of regular review. I love those chapters and want them to often surface in my memory.
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 NIV
So, I challenge you to select a passage and memorize it one verse at a time. It does not have to be a whole chapter to start out. Select a favorite passage which is five or six verses long. God will reward you.
Lord, give me a burning desire to hide more of Your Word in my heart.
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