Thursday, October 7, 2010

Big Mouth

I hate my mouth. It is uncontrollable! I mean to say only positive uplifting things, but criticisms and grumblings erupt from it at the most inappropriate times. Why can’t I control my tongue?

“…For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks…But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken." Matthew 12:34b, 36 NIV

So my words are a reflection of my heart. Scary! I like to think I am a good, kind person; however, during a couple of five minute periods this afternoon, my words reflected an unforgiving heart. I resolved this morning to not say anything negative today. I resolved that I would not complain. Oops! Broke those resolutions. I really want to have kind speech so why can’t I just accomplish this feat?

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do…As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do — this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.” Romans 7:15, 17-20 NIV

It is somewhat comforting to know that Paul also had a problem with controlling sin in his life although I am relatively sure he sinned very little. Even though the Romans passage is reassuring to my human nature, it is troubling to my spiritual self. Apparently it is the sin living in me which causes me to overtly do wrong. It goes right back to the Matthew passage. What is in my heart? If it is sin, it will express itself. If my heart is in submission to and love for Jesus Christ, that too will be made evident.

I feel like Isaiah when he had an encounter with the Lord Almighty.

"’Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips’…Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’" Isa 6:5a, 6-7 NIV

The purification of the lips of Isaiah signifies the guilt for his sins being removed. If his mouth is purified, then his heart is purified. With a cleansed heart, Isaiah could speak God's words. Oh that my heart be purified of all sin so my lips would only speak what is pleasing to God.

So if you want to know how sinful you are, check out what comes from your mouth for a day. I have and am ashamed.

Lord, out of my mouth comes grumbling and prideful words. Purify my heart, Lord, so that my mouth can only speak what is pleasing to you.

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