Thursday, September 30, 2010


“Satan rarely tempts us with the ‘big sins.’…Rather, he takes us down the delicate path of deception, an inch at a time…It’s never recognized until it’s too late. His tricks are timeless; his schemes subtle.” Chip Ingram quote from Invisible War

No wonder I seldom recognize the seriousness of my sin. Satan is sneaky. He knows how to tempt me in the areas of my life where I am most vulnerable, and he does it gradually with great patience. He lulls me into feeling secure and confident. I start pridefully thinking that I can handle any situation because I am a strong Christian. That is just where Satan wants me—feeling proud of my Christian walk. It is when I feel strongest that I am most vulnerable to falling prey to his tricks. This is the time he will slip in a small temptation. That small temptation will then lead to a little more sin. After all I handled that small sin issue last time--sort of—well enough. Before long I am numb to the seriousness of my behavior because I have become entangled in the rationalizations and self-justification of the sin I have now made a regular part of my life. It is so easy to see the small deceptions leading to major problems in other people. But what about myself? I am guilty of not recognizing my own sin.

“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.” Ephesians 5:6 NIV

In my case, I did not recognize my disobedience at all. I thought I was growing spiritually and doing right. Oh how deceived I was. Even though by man's standards I was doing right, by God's standards I was not. However, I know I was growing spiritually even during the times Satan had me most deceived because when I realized my level of sin, I knew what to do. I sought God. I prayed, studied scripture, read books by quality Christian authors, listened to pod casts by quality pastors, and sought solitude as a spiritual discipline. God loved me enough to discipline me and then restore me. He brought me to brokenness so that He could mold me into a correctly focused servant for Him.

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 NIV

My besetting sin is not that bad, but at the same time it is horrible. It is putting my faith and trust in humans instead of God. I was following the guidance of others without checking to see if their words really did line up with scripture. And I neglected to pray for God’s advice as often as I should have. It is so easy to place too much trust in someone you regard as a spiritual giant. God gives us Christian friends to guide and encourage us. But that does not mean that Satan will not use deception and his sneaky schemes to draw us into sinful, human directed instead of God directed behaviors. I am beginning to believe that is one of Satan’s most successful ploys—distorting our perceptions of the intentions and activities of our Christian friends. Satan does much mischief in the church because we are not vigilantly watching for his schemes. We are lulled into complacency.

So I must be alert for and recognize Satan's agenda especially when it involves my Christian friends.

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 NIV

Lord, keep me acutely alert to the deception and schemes of Satan. Make me your faithful servant in all my activities and relationships with others, especially my Christian friends.

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