I get so frustrated with God sometimes. He doesn’t do things when I think he should do them in the manner in which I think He should do them. I do not want to listen to and follow his instructions. I want it done my way. Because I prayed for it, he should grant it. Now I realize how arrogant this attitude is, but I have been unable to eradicate it. As a matter of fact, I have not even allowed myself to recognize this sinful attitude until recently. I must learn to listen to God.
So how do I “hear” God? He does not speak to me today like he did to the prophets in the Old Testament. But why should he? God has given me the Holy Spirit to live in my heart. I have unlimited contact and communication opportunities. However, I do not use them.
I set aside some time to pray and get out my journal with the list of requests I have for God. My prayer will open with some obligatory praise statement. Then I start the long list of requests. By the time I get through the list, I’m tired of praying. A quick “Thank You, Lord” is said and with an “amen” the prayer duty is done.
This portrayal of my prayer life is a bit harsher than my actual practice. I usually enjoy praying and find it a fulfilling activity. But if I am not careful it does become perfunctory. Keeping my prayer life vital is essential because it is how I communicate with God. It is how I talk to God and many times how I receive guidance from him.
Jesus often sought time with God. He was always unwilling to proceed without instructions from God.
“‘You go to the Feast. I am not yet going up to this Feast, because for me the right time has not yet come.’ Having said this, he stayed in Galilee.” John 7:8-9 NIV
Jesus would not go on the pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles because God had not given him permission yet to go there as a part of his public ministry. To travel to Jerusalem with his entourage would have drawn too much attention. Later, God did tell Jesus to attend the Festival but to go incognito. Jesus did not change his mind; he received instructions from God. When he received them, Jesus followed God’s directions as to the method and timing of his travel.
“However, after his brothers had left for the Feast, he went also, not publicly, but in secret.” John 7:10 NIV
Jesus’ insistence on following the commands of God is repeatedly mentioned in the Gospels. Jesus taught his followers through example and instruction that his total life was under the direction of God and that Jesus willingly followed God’s directions.
“but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.” John 14:31 NIV
All I read in the Gospels lead me to believe Jesus communicated with God in a conversational manner. No flashes of lightning from Heaven nor any big booming voices are mentioned. Voices yes. Show biz attention getting extravaganza style communication is just not there. Well, with the one exception of God’s comment after the baptism of Jesus. (Matthew 3:16-17) But even this amazing event was not bombastic. It was a beautiful, loving, soothing, statement of God’s pride in Jesus.
In the Old Testament, God generally spoke to people in a personal manner. One example is God’s talk with Elijah. Elijah was expecting a magnificent show, but God communicated with him in a gentle whisper.
“but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” 1 Kings 19:11b-12 NIV
So how can I hear God? I must study God’s Word to know what it says for that is what he has to impart. I must listen for the whisper—for the quiet voice inside that brings with it a calm, a peace that only God can give. It is the voice that never disagrees with what is taught in Scripture.
Lord, make me responsive to your quiet voice and what you are telling me in the Bible. Make me aware of when I try to twist Your Word to suit my purposes. Make me willing to hear the hard truths you want to convey to me. Make me patient as I wait for your answer to my requests. Make me thankful no matter what your plans for my life.
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