This week has been miserable because of my runny nose, sore throat, and scratchy eyes. Weather forecasters say the pollen count is extremely high. Last Monday I watched a softball game in the gale force winds with field dust frequently engulfing the spectators. Naturally I thought my misery was a result of these natural, unavoidable irritants. Yesterday, I was reflecting on how to protect myself so my sinuses would quit emitting rivers of fluid. My nose and upper lip were tender. The antihistamines made me groggy. I was miserable. But my condition did not make sense because I do not normally suffer this much from allergies. Then it dawned on me that I had brought four Easter lilies home from church Monday, the day it all began. Those lilies were transferred to the deck and things have begun to improve.
Sins we choose to not recognize or not address are like the Easter lilies. They can cause much misery in our lives until we remove them from our presence. God allows us to suffer the consequences for our misguided or rationalized behaviors. David committed adultery and murder. As a result, David’s young son died. (2 Samuel 12:20-23) Adultery and murder seem like obvious sins to us but David had rationalized them at the time he committed them. He believed what he was doing was okay. After all, he was the king.
So, what sin do I have in my life that is causing an unpleasant consequence? Am I pursuing my personal pleasure instead of building a relationship with those God has put in my life? Am I too proud to serve those who do not have the correct appearance? Am I just too self-absorbed to see that my behaviors may be offensive or hurtful to those God has placed in my life? Is my sin like the Easter lily and beautiful to my human eye but it truly is an unseen irritant working to make my life miserable?
Lord, show me the sin in my life that I do not want to see because it means I will have to change my behavior.
First a thought, then the thought moves to our heart, after which we follow through with an action. How smart we would be to stop thinking negative thoughts before they have a chance to move to our heart. Actions that follow negative thoughts that have been hiding in our heart can be disastrous. Lord protect us from that.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the wise insightful words, Shelley. Let's eradicate those negative thoughts through the power given to us by the Holy Spirit working in our lives.