I love to soak in the beauty of God’s creation on the bank of a mountain stream or floating on a lake which supports trout. What an amazing experience it is to look into the crystal clear water, spot a trout, and cast my fly so it will drift just to the side of the rainbow. What a thrill--the flash of the fish taking the fly and feeling the fish fight the hook as I exert just the right amount of pressure to tire the fish and guide it to the net where it will be carefully handled and returned gently to the water.
Today as I was on a float trip at Taneycomo Lake, I realized that living the Christian life has much in common with fishing for trout. Both are exciting adventures. One must prepare for the time on the water by assembling and learning how to use the right equipment. Waders, boots, a rod, reel, fly line, flies, and various gadgets are necessary for a successful fishing trip. Likewise the Christian must learn what is required to live a victorious life which is pleasing to God. Bible study, prayer, and gathering with fellow Christians are key pieces of equipment.
While on the water, the fisherman must select the fly which is most likely to look tasty and then must present it skillfully so the fish will accept it as something which will be good. When we present the gospel to unbelievers, we must be genuine in our presentation. Luckily, sometimes the fisherman will catch a fish on a very poor cast. Likewise, the witnessing Christian does not have to always be skilled in presentation to bring others to knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
Sometimes when the fly is taken and the hook is set the fish can be landed without much of a battle, but that is rare. In real life the chances are slim for our witnessing to result in a smooth easy conversion of our friend. Generally there is resistance. Like with the battle for landing the fish, just the right amount of pressure must be used and at times the fish must be allowed to run with some line. The heartbreaker is when the battle for the trout has been going on for some time and you think you will land the fish soon but the trout jumps and throws the hook out of its mouth. It is a sad moment when a person you have been praying for and witnessing to will spit it back at you and reject Jesus. That is when we must remember that we are only responsible for presenting the gospel.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—“ Ephesians 2:8 NIV
So tomorrow as you go about your day, look for ways to draw others toward a saving faith through thoughtfully presenting the gospel message and in living an exemplary Christian life.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19 NIV
Lord, make me a master fisher for the salvation of individuals you place in my stream of life.
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