Where are we to get our spiritual information? Jesus often preached in the synagogues or in the temple but he was not predominately in a place of organized worship when he taught spiritual truths. He taught truth wherever he found people to listen. If we expect to get all of our knowledge about what the Bible says by sitting in a church, or listening to a preacher, or by paying attention to what a Christian friend says, you will remain ignorant of what the Bible says. You must study God's words for yourself.
So have you read the account of Jesus' death and resurrection in the Bible? I encourage you to read Luke chapters 22, 23, and 24 for yourself. Even though I have read them several times before, I found something which impacted me in a new way.
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34a NIV
Now this utterance of Jesus was made after he had been betrayed, falsely accused, deserted by friends, tried in an illegal court, endured a flogging, and then was nailed to a cross. He had every human reason to be angry and to curse all who were treating him wrongly. But he did not. He asked God to forgive them. Unbelievable. Can you imagine any of us doing that?!
So who do I need to forgive for an unkind act, a false accusation, a word of gossip, a secret they shared, or a lie they told? Am I willing to forgive? Am I willing to deal with anyone who hurts or offends me as Jesus treated his executioners?
Lord, you died in my place to pay for my sins. My sins against you are forgiven. Thank you. Now through the power of the Holy Spirit, create in me a loving and forgiving heart towards those who have wronged me.
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