Saturday, June 5, 2010

No Idols for Me

Why can’t I be more like Paul? He was a steadfast imitator of Christ even when the going got tough. Others were giving up when things became difficult and returning to the worship of idols which were normally worshipped in their culture.

It is so easy to say I do not worship idols, but is that true? As I understand the biblical definition of idol, it is anything that I put before God—that I place before God in my life.

"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” Deuteronomy 5:8 NIV

I quickly cave to putting worldly things before Christ. Well at least sometimes—too often. Generally this happens in such a way that I do not realize something has become an idol—being somewhat stylish when I am being called by God to spend my money in other ways, spending my time as I desire, not doing a kind act because of some “more important” activity. You get the picture? Yes I am guilty.

Right now I am working very hard to turn our office into a bedroom for my mother-in-law. She will be coming to my house when she is released from the rehab hospital. Bringing her into my home is the right thing to do. Ray and I are sure it is of God’s leading. However, I am having to face some of my idols—how I use the space in my home, how I use my time, my self-direction, objects in my home.

“But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth.” 2 Timothy 4:17 NIV

So my task is to realize God is at my side and will give me strength to proclaim the gospel. If I am doing this I will naturally eliminate any idols in my life because there will be no room for them. My life will be God-focused.

If I live totally for God, especially in the tough times, then God will use my witness for His glory.

To God be the glory. May there be nothing in my life before God.

Lord, my focus is too much on myself and things in my life which are important to me but have no eternal value. Change my focus to you—totally you.

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